Our Story

"If you're imaginatively responsible to the place you live, you understand the watershed" - Robert Hass

Watershed Fishing Apparel & Co. was born from a deep passion for fishing, love of the splendor of the outdoors, and an understanding of the fragility of our ecosystems.  Having grown up fishing and hunting in rural New Brunswick, I have noticed a decline in species populations, habitat availability, and an increased concern for our environments future.  The question, "What can I do to help?", inspired the idea behind WFA&Co. and this journey began.

"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem." - Eldridge Cleaver

Watershed Fishing Apparel & Co. wants to be part of the solution. In doing so, through our "Be a Blessing" program, we are committed to giving back to the conservation associations working diligently to preserve and protect our watersheds. 

"Water is our most precious and interconnected natural resource. It sustains all ecosystems, communities, and economies from local watersheds to the seas. It's vital to sustaining our health, safety, and the environments in which we live and work.  Simply put, water is life." - Alexandra Cousteau

Through our partnerships, we want to create awareness for the species, both plant and animal, that inhabit our areas. Whether it is a fishing adventure with one of our Watershed Ambassadors to increasing knowledge through highlighting seminars and local conservation association events, WFA&Co. aims to be more than an apparel company.  We want our brand to stand for environmental awareness, inspiration to create change, and a symbol for positive, sustainable improvements to the watershed areas that we call home.

Craig Young
Watershed Fishing Apparel & Co.